Tag: Creator3
Feel That Design!

In today’s world, young designers have a whole world of design to look at on the internet! Inspiration is available everywhere from sites like Behance, DeviantArt all the way to freely available design element sites like Freepik, Flaticon & many more.
This has made life simple for some designers but even if they buy the available graphics, they don’t always get it right!
Choosing the right kind of visual element is a huge task and it must be done in a way that SUITS the subject. Even then, elements that are apparently “suited” to the subject of your design don’t always work.
Imagine you were designing an invite for a baby shower and you chose pink instead of blue for a boy. These are just basic standards – boy blue/girl pink. But HOW do you choose a colour where there are no standards?
The answer is a simple word, “FEEL!”
Does this design FEEL good? The feel of the design is brought about by the choice of colours, graphics, images and fonts – not listed in order of importance!!!
How do YOU feel after looking at the design? Does it resonate with you positively? Does it compel you to keep looking at it or tweak your interest further? Switch to another window on your screen or look out of a real window for a few mins & then go back to your design.
When you see your design again, does it give you that sense of achievement?
If it gives you that FEEL it will most probably give the viewer something to think about.
Our design will be successful ONLY IF the viewer FEELS GOOD about it!