Client is a lady entrepreneur. Before this brand, had a small yet popular beauty salon business in a busy locality in Pune and many clients to boast of. Wanted to upgrade to an exclusive wax service salon as there was a vacuum in the market. Wished to cater to this niche. Wanted a branding and promotions solution for the same.

We gave them a distinct and international – appeal brand with an upmarket brand language. When the first posters of the new salon were put up in the existing salon, the clients were bombarded with questions such as “Have you taken a franchise of this international chain salon” – this infused both them and us with a sense of pride. We did wall coverings, posters, stationery and reception area internal branding. Helped them advertise at multiple places – cinema hall (City Pride), gym and swimming pool (Solaris) and at a college (Symbiosis). We also created hoardings, posters etc. for them.
Okay then what happened: The business is hugely popular and successful. Now they have a few branches and the promoter’s daughter being a recently qualified designer handles design for them, following same brand language for them. The relations with us remain cordial and doors still open to each other if the need to associate arise again.